April 2010

In April, the family spent a week in Lourdes with Group 2 of HCPT. This is a charitable trust with which we are involved, both in fundraising and also participating in the event itself.

We all travelled out to Lourdes with the children that we took and Little T and Little O settled in nicely to the routines. This is Little T's 2nd trip with Group 2 and due to her brother coming along, is no longer the youngest helper !!

Unfortunately, Little O had a somewhat unfortunate collision with a collection of sharp rocks and sustained a rather nasty laceration through his left eyebrow. Despite myself and the Group's nurse trying to calm him and treat it, he did need more medical input. Happily, though, he got away with some medical glue rather than sutures. His residual scar only adds to his charm !

On a more positive note, we were all delighted whilst out in Lourdes to be given the fantastic news that our good friends Jude & James were engaged !!

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