August 2009

Summer was here !
Weather was fairly good (although Mrs K/C/KC will always deny this fact and tell me that it was so much better back in Manistee when she grew up - not corroborated by our trips there, however).

Little T was helpful in the gardening department with eagerness to keep watering everything in sight...

Our friends Mary & Jim had their 2nd baby (Adam) - congratulations.

Mrs K/C/KC and I went to see U2 play at Wembley Stadium, with our good friends, the Bad Kamas. All was fantastic (especially the late night samosas) other than the overweight drunk fool falling on top of us from the row behind !!

Little T and her friends all met up for a summer lunch out a local pub (parents were allowed too!). After being pestered relentlessly by wasps, the only actual incident was when Little O developed a taste for dirt after falling face first off the end of a slide. All caught on camera too !

Being summer, Little T rediscovered her taste for iced coffees from various purveyors of fine beverages !

At the end of the month, we were delighted to welcome James and Mariana to our house to stay for a few days during their round-the-world adventures. It was great to meet Mariana and we hope to see them both again soon.

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